Oakland Supports Sacramento: Anti Police-Terror Project Hosts Caravan for Justice to National Day of Action in Sacramento

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On this, the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. King, the people of the City of Sacramento continue his legacy by demanding justice for Stephon Clark. Black Lives Matter Sacramento has declared today a National Call for Action for Justice for Stephon Clark. In a show of solidarity, The Anti Police-Terror Project is leading a caravan from Oscar Grant Plaza (14th & Broadway) at 12:30 pm today, Wednesday, April 4, 2018. The caravan will head to Sacramento to support the protest taking place at DA Shubert’s office.

Dr. King made clear in his final speech that we must not let any impediments to justice turn us around -- and in the fight for Stephon Clark, it is clear that there are many. We see the same tactics employed across Northern California by those who seek to impede justice:

Just as Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O’Malley received $10,000 from the Fremont Police Union before clearing the officers who shot and killed sixteen year old Ebbe Mondragon, Sacramento County District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert took $13,000 from local and state unions just DAYS after the murder of Stephon Clark.

Just as the Sacramento Police Department immediately claimed that Stephon Clark had a gun in an attempt to justify Clark’s murder, Bart PD initially claimed that Sahleem Tindle had a gun when he was shot -- and only retracted that statement after video evidence was leaked.

Just as the Sacramento Police Union has blindly supported its officers despite clear video evidence of their wrongdoing, BART Police Chief Rojas called Joseph Mateu a “hero” for shooting Sahleem Tindle three times in the back while Tindle was on his knees attempting to comply with Mateu’s command that he “put his hands up”.

The Anti Police-Terror Project stands in solidarity with the Clark family and their community in Sacramento as they say “no more.” No more collusion between the office of the district attorney and police unions. No more lies in the face of police wrongdoing. No more grandstanding by law enforcement as they shield officers from accountability. No more killing of Black, Brown, and Indigenous persons with impunity.

Today, we again show the world that King’s legacy lives on, and demonstrate the unity he spoke of shortly before his assassination. We rise up with those across the country who, in the words of Dr. King, “move on in these days of challenge...to make America what it ought to be.”

Justice for Stephon Clark. 

In Solidarity,
The Anti Police-Terror Project